Adelle Mono

Designed by José Scaglione Irene Vlachou Veronika Burian. Released 2020.

Twenty styles designed with both the developer and the aesthete in mind, the Adelle Mono family has a true monospaced width (Mono), a proportional width (Flex), and a variable font that modulates between the two to boost creativity and coherence.

Adelle Mono Flex set. 10 fonts USD 237,25
Adelle Mono Set. 10 fonts USD 237,25
Change Font Settings

What will the future look like?

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Support on-site green infrastructure or conserve potable water sources to supply outdoor water needs.

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1. Identify the stakeholders and ensure there is a communication plan to reach them. While the process should be inclusive, with underrepresented groups present, there is also an appropriate balance between inclusivity and too large a group to be productive. Some schools organize a series of stakeholder meetings, and some do just one or two workshops. Schools should decide based on staff, budget, and the amount of joint effort possible with the city or community.
2. Set a timeline for the scenario process.
3. Create a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario. Before the workshop or exercise, create a scenario that includes a future campus or community that reflects development continuing as expected, demographics shifting as expected, and climate changing as expected.

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4. Hold the scenario workshops. There are many ways to do this, but consider starting by understanding what the participants think are strongly-held community values. This can include asking some either/or questions to gauge priorities. The answers may start to yield insights about whether there is more focus on economic development, natural resource conservation, social enhancement, etc.
5. Create the scenarios. Use the information gathered during the workshops to generate one or more future scenarios. This may be an opportunity to utilize experts at the college or university. What are the high priorities of the future scenarios? What policies would support these priorities? What are some of the implications for the campus and community?

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Variable — wght/MONO
UI design
USD 202,53BUY
Italic Variable — wght/MONO
USD 202,53BUY

The Backstory

Adelle Mono

A flexible two-width family: monospace for the developer’s code writing and proportional width for public consumption.

The Adelle family continues its stylistic expansion with the release of Adelle Mono and Adelle Mono Flex by Veronika Burian and José Scaglione. Monospaced typefaces are the default choice for developers and programmers and are also an aesthetic choice for many designers and communicators. The Adelle Mono font family has two widths to serve both breeds and a variable font for the flexible spectrum in between.

Monospaced typefaces are born of necessity rather than purely aesthetic values. Each glyph is constrained to a strict box, making the naturally smaller ones the same width as the naturally wider ones. While this serves the functional purpose of keeping text aligned in vertical and horizontal rows, it is completely unnatural in terms of readability. A monospaced ‘l, i’ are overblown compromises while ‘m, w’ become compressed mutations. The Adelle Mono family was therefore designed with both the developer and the aesthete in mind.
Adelle Mono respects its necessary constraints while still being visually appealing and easily read. Activate it for use in Sublime, Swift, Terminal, or your IDE of choice and see how well it performs. Clarity will lead to less developer mistakes, and its aesthetic appeal will make your work enjoyable.
Adelle Mono Flex is the proportional width version that works for any kind of normal text reading or a design intended to invoke “system or information aesthetics”. Opposite the demands of the monospace family, Flex is reader friendly and intended for branding, annual reports, paragraphs, UI, logos, posters, screens, tables, captions, and more. Employ the Mono version where monospace is needed and the Flex version where reading or coherence is priority.
Adelle Mono’s experimental 20-style design explores the space between proportional and monospaced types. It boosts creativity and coherence by providing flexible options in the same family, including italics and the variable font format with an axis of weight and a spectrum axis between multi-width and monospaced characters. Combining Adelle Mono with either Adelle or Adelle Sans adds more layers and adaptability to your work.

Lead design and concept
Veronika Burian, José Scaglione

Irene Vlachou

Assistant designer
Pooja Saxena

Quality Assurance
Azza Alameddine

Joancarles Casasín

Graphic design
Rabab Charafeddine
Elena Veguillas

Joshua Farmer