Adelle Sans

Designed by Veronika Burian José Scaglione. Released 2012.

Adelle Sans provides a clean and spirited take on the traditional grotesque sans. Whether for branding, signage, or advertising, the keyword behind Adelle Sans’s use is flexibility. Each of its 30 styles is a perfect match in terms of weight and vertical proportions to its slab serif equivalent, Adelle, ensuring an harmonious fit between both type families in the same block of text and a pleasing change of texture when used at similar point sizes. Adelle Sans is an exhaustive family with extensive language support. See the other scripts here.

  • Typographica’s Best Typefaces of 2012
  • Yearbook of Type I, 2013
  • Premio Clap 2013
  • ISTD 2014
  • Rutenia 2014
Adelle Sans Set. 16 fonts USD 487,79
Adelle Sans Cond Set. 14 fonts USD 440,15
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Astronauta afirma que vio un OVNI.

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Leroy Chiao, comandante en la Estación Espacial Internacional hace 9 años, ha narrado el encuentro que tuvo con un OVNI durante una caminata espacial en 2005

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En un reportaje publicado en Liverty Voice, Chiao relata que mientras realizaba unos trabajos en el exterior de la EEI, junto al astronauta ruso Salizhan Sharípov, observó “unas extrañas luces que parecían estar alineadas y que pasaron volando a gran velocidad”.

“Soy escéptico acerca de que nuestro planeta sea frecuentado por seres de otro planeta o de otra dimensión, pero no lo descartaría al 100%”, afirma el astronauta estadounidense, “tengo una mente abierta y sí creo que hay otras formas de vida en el universo”.

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Chiao, que permaneció en la EEI entre octubre de 2005 y abril de 2005, afirma que “si hay vida ahí fuera, son mucho más avanzados que nosotros y saben bien cómo cubrir grandes distancias en cortos periodos de tiempo”.

Algunos informes aseguran que las luces que Chiao vió pertenecían a un barco de pesca situado a cientos de kilómetros por debajo de la EEI. Su compañero Sharípov no puede confirmar la versión del astronauta estadounidense porque no vio las luces, “estaba mirando en dirección contraria”, afirma Chiao.

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The Backstory

Adelle Sans

A flexible and personable world-ready sans, providing true multilingual font support.

The Adelle Sans font family by José Scaglione and Veronika Burian provides a more clean and spirited take on the traditional grotesque sans. As is typical with TypeTogether typefaces, the most demanding editorial design problems were taken into consideration during its creation. The combination of lively character and unobtrusive appearance inherent to grotesque sans serifs make it an utterly versatile tool for every imaginable situation. Whether for global branding, screens, signage and advertising, or UI, the keyword behind Adelle Sans’s use is flexibility.

To save space and keep legibility high, Adelle Sans is available in eight weights with matching italics and includes a condensed width of seven weights with their matching italics. Each of these 30 styles hits the perfect tone as a headline punch or subdued background hum, and the condensed widths are adept at setting short texts while retaining the expected personality.

Rooted in the belief that broad language support is crucial to modern global type design, the Latin-matching variants are yet another push in TypeTogether’s ongoing multilingual efforts. The Latin script may have been first, but Adelle Sans has thus far been expanded into an exhaustive nine script family with extensive language support. Careful research and close collaboration with type experts yielded typographic consistency, legibility, and cultural awareness among all scripts, as well as filling the need for quality editorial typefaces in Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Latin Extended, Greek, and Thai, with more planned for the future.

In addition to the 30 Latin styles, all other scripts have between seven and fourteen styles, each of which has been engineered to optically match the proportions of its counterparts. And each script comes bundled with the Latin script to ensure an harmonious fit amongst any two or more Adelle Sans families in the same block of text.

The full Adelle Sans family delivers consistent, flexible, and personable results in multilingual documents, in apps, and multicultural branding worldwide. Its wide character set includes typographic niceties, small caps, several sets of figures, icons, and support for over 245 Latin-based languages. Be sure to check out the companions for Adelle Sans: Adelle, for a versatile and authoritative slab serif with no shortage of personality; and Adelle Mono, a two-width family flexible enough for developers and graphic designers alike.

Concept and design
Veronika Burian
José Scaglione

Quality Assurance
Azza Alameddine

Joancarles Casasín

Graphic Designers
Elena Veguillas
Rabab Charafeddine

Joshua Farmer

Motion Design
Cecilia Brarda