Adelle Sans Chinese

Adelle Sans Chinese harmonises and bundles the FounderType Lanting Hei family with seven corresponding Adelle Sans styles. The Chinese and Latin characters balance as lively and versatile equals within multiscript layouts. The Adelle Sans Chinese multiscript font family provides a clean and spirited take on the traditional grotesque sans, and a modern and highly legible take on the Hei style.

The most demanding editorial design problems were taken into consideration when creating Adelle Sans Chinese. The combination of lively character and unobtrusive appearance make this type family an utterly versatile tool for every imaginable situation. Whether for branding, signage, or advertising, the keywords behind Adelle Sans Chinese’s use is multiscript flexibility.


罗斯威尔事件 (Roswell UFO incident) 是指在美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔市1947年发生的飞碟坠毁事件。美国军方对外单方面宣称坠落物为实验性高空监控气球的残骸。

威尔事件从1947年事发以后,悬念迭生。半个多世纪过去了,人们仍然不能确定是否真有其事。1947年7月8日,美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔的《每日新闻报》刊出一条“耸人听闻”的消息:“空军在罗斯威尔发现坠落的飞碟。” 这条新闻立即被《纽约时报》等各大报刊转载,无线电波载讯传遍世界。此消息在美国公众中引起轩然大波。美国政府坚称只是一个坠毁的美国军方侦查气球,但是广为流传的说法是一起外星飞碟坠毁事件。此后,“罗斯威尔”几乎跟UFO成了同义词。1947年7月5日,距科罗那 (Corona) 50公里、距罗斯威尔 (Roswell) 西北方120公里的一个农场主人麦克 · 布莱索 (Mac Brazel) 曾在当晚听到比雷声还大的爆炸巨响,次日发现散布在农场约400米范围的许多特殊的金属碎片。

6日布莱索带着金属碎片交给罗斯威尔警长,然后向军方报告,并转交给空军基地。7日后,他带着杰西 · 马西尔 (Jesse Marcel) 少校和另一个军官到现场检视,并装载一大堆东西带回基地检验。
另外,8日在距布莱索农场西边5公里的荒地上,住在梭克罗 (Socorro) 的一位土木工程师葛拉第 (L. Grady) 发现一架金属碟形物的残骸,直径约9米;碟形物裂开,几具尸体分散在碟形物里面及外面地上。尸体体型瘦小,身长仅100到130厘米,体重只有18公斤,无毛发、大头、大眼、小嘴巴,穿整件的紧身灰色制服。当日军队马上进驻发现残骸的两地,封锁现场。

The Backstory

Adelle Sans Chinese

A flexible and personable world-ready sans, providing true multilingual font support.

We are pleased to announce Adelle Sans Chinese, our first official FounderType global collaboration — harmonising and bundling the FounderType Lanting Hei family with seven corresponding Adelle Sans styles.

From the beginning of our partnership, FounderType and TypeTogether have emphasised the concord of our fonts, and FounderType’s Lanting Hei design concept is remarkably consistent with Adelle Sans. As a steady and gentle modern style with perfect readability and aesthetic experience in the East and the West, the matching of the two families is an excellent choice for both digital media and the wide application of cross-media platforms. The Adelle Sans Chinese family ensures that all Chinese characters and all Latin characters aren’t just partners, but are equals within multiscript layouts. Care has especially been taken with punctuation so both scripts support and harmonise with each other.

The Adelle Sans Chinese multiscript font family provides a clean and spirited take on the traditional grotesque sans, and a modern and highly legible take on the Hei style. The most demanding editorial design problems were taken into consideration when creating Adelle Sans Chinese. The combination of lively character and unobtrusive appearance make this type family an utterly versatile tool for every imaginable situation. Whether for branding, signage, or advertising, the keywords behind Adelle Sans Chinese’s use is multiscript flexibility.

Chinese enterprises increasingly need global typefaces to meet the various needs of different countries and regions around the world. FounderType is the most important font developer in China, with their typefaces being widely used in newspapers, advertising, books, packaging, mobile devices, television, games, software, branding, and so much more. The cooperation between FounderType and TypeTogether is the right start to help Chinese enterprises more with internationalisation. And Adelle Sans Chinese is just the beginning. Need more script coverage? Check out the seven other scripts and hundreds of languages covered by the Adelle Sans super-family: Arabic, Armenian, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Extended, Greek, and Thai.