Esopo. Fábulas Completas

March 2017

Pollen in use in the beautifully illustrated 2013 edition.


In 2013 the late São Paulo based imprint Cosac Naify* published a new version of the Aesop’s Fables: Esopo. Fábulas Completas. For this publication 383 fables were translated from Greek (by Maria Celeste C. Dezzotti), including some unknown fables in Brazil. The book, designed by Flávia Castanheira, was beautifully illustrated by Eduardo Berliner, giving to the Aesop’s fables a contemporary interpretation.

The text was set in Eduardo Berliner’s typeface Pollen.

*Cosac Naify closed in 2016 but Amazon took over the vast catalogue of the publishing house and the books are now available through






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